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What’s in Openshift 4?

Openshift is, opinionatedly, the most popular kubernetes distribution for hybrid cloud recently has got its 4th major release! The latest release is the result of RedHat’s ( now IBM ) acquisition of CoreOS and is a merge of two leading kubernetes distributions, Tectonic and Openshift.

AWS Lambda without vendor lock and Kubernetes for IoT

The past week was super rich in cloud-native and serverless spaces. More in my curated weekly digest below. Cloud-Native stack Rancher introduced k3s new minimalistic kubernetes distribution designed for edge and IoT.

Google goes Hybrid, Beanstalk for Windows and Azure Event Grid

Please find my curated weekly digest below. Google Cloud Cloud Services Platform, Google’s Hybrid cloud solution is in Beta. AWS New EKS Quickstart: reference architecture, cloud formation template.

New AWS Solutions, Google's Jib and IBM's cloud-native progress

This week all major clouds get lots of new functionality, so providing my shortlist below. AWS Introduction of AWS Solutions, the new catalog of reference architectures, and implementation templates.

Cloud Computing Digest: the Latest February Announcements

Despite the beginning of the year, we got lots of announcements from leading providers and the cloud-native community, so let’s review the most exciting ones below.

Top 5: Books about cloud computing in 2019

Modern cloud computing is in the process of continuous evolution, new services and features appear almost daily driven by increasing business demand and technology innovations.
