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New AWS Solutions, Google's Jib and IBM's cloud-native progress

This week all major clouds get lots of new functionality, so providing my shortlist below. AWS Introduction of AWS Solutions, the new catalog of reference architectures, and implementation templates.

Cloud Computing Digest: the Latest February Announcements

Despite the beginning of the year, we got lots of announcements from leading providers and the cloud-native community, so let’s review the most exciting ones below.

Top 5: Books about cloud computing in 2019

Modern cloud computing is in the process of continuous evolution, new services and features appear almost daily driven by increasing business demand and technology innovations.

Ten years of DevOps. What changed?

There are lots of discussions, talks, white-papers and books available about DevOps which coalesce around delivering software faster, more often and reliably, breaking down walls between development and operations.

Iterative Terraform Development with Skaffold and Kubernetes

Kubernetes and Terraform are two well known foundational open source instruments for building infrastructure. They are very different by nature and application scenarios but also have lots similarities and intersections.
