Google goes Hybrid, Beanstalk for Windows and Azure Event Grid

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Please find my curated weekly digest below.

Google Cloud

Cloud Services Platform, Google’s Hybrid cloud solution is in Beta.


New EKS Quickstart: reference architecture, cloud formation template.

Well-Architected Tool now supports architecture reviews for On-Premise and Hybrid Cloud workloads.

Elastic Beanstalk gets a ​host of improvements for Windows platform: managed updates, immutable deployments, improved monitoring, inc X-ray.

CodeBuild becomes faster by supporting caching for source code, docker layers and custom folders.


Announced preview of distributed tracing support for IoT Hub, which enables observability starting at the edge device through all hops within the hub.

Event Grid, fully managed event routing service releases a massive set of features for guaranteed delivery; improves integration and security.

IBM (RedHat)

Upcoming OpenShift 4 platform vision. How is it different from v3?

Good Reads

Continuation of Knative tutorial by Mete Atamel.

The service mesh era: Securing your environment with Istio by Samrat Ray.

Re-Imagining Virtualization with Kubernetes and KubeVirt by Itamar Habar.

Assessing App Portfolios for Onboarding for OpenShift Trevor Quinn.

Hybrid Cloud Connectivity by Sai Vennam.

7 Key Considerations for Kubernetes in Production by Platform9

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